tom’s very own cards

coming soon

heart opens potential emerges

the story behind the cards

In many ways, the origins of these cards trace back to Tom's early life, marked by an illness that left him deaf and non-verbal. But, Tom does not wish us to dwell on his challenges, these cards bring a message of HOPE, against all odds. 

At one point, Tom’s mother Nicola, was on the verge of a standstill in her journey to communicate - in the typical ways - with Tom. Tracy-Kim Gilchrist, a speech pathologist and dear friend, had reached the limits of conventional methods. Nicola asked her to try one last time.

“Abandoning formal techniques, Tracy-Kim connected with Tom on an intuitive level, asking telepathically “what do you think about the move?”. Tom responded by drawing two oracle cards: The Kiwi and The Great Outdoors. 

 Tom responded by drawing two oracle cards: The Kiwi and The Great Outdoors. It was clear Tom understood he was moving to New Zealand - and could ‘hear’, and ‘speak’ in ways beyond the usual.

In the years that have followed, Tom’s intuitive abilities continue to flourish; providing oracle card readings first to friends and family, and now to clients across the world. Nicola has gone on a parallel journey; learning to communicate directly with Tom, on the intuitive plane. 

One day, Tom expressed his desire to create his own cards. Guided by Tom to his most special places around Auckland, New Zealand, his brother Greg took the photographs featured in this pack. Nicola then sat down with Tom, and he communicated the meanings of the images. 

What has emerged through Tom’s guidance are these HOPE cards, which carry his message:

Heart open, potential emerges.

Kyra’s experience with Tom’s HOPE cards